Thursday, April 28, 2011

Street lights...

Its very strange to find reasons that lie behind everything... even street lights...

Why people prefer yellow color emitting lights?
- I came to know that our eyes are very active in yellow region of Visible spectrum... thats the reason they put yellow lights...

cheers to thinkers..!

photo courtesy:


  1. Definitely so... When I built my own makeshift 400 Watt High-Pressure Sodium (HPS) streetlamp, I could tell the difference against other High Intensity Discharge devices. The light output or luminous flux of HPS is also utilized for long-range light house beacons, bridges, piers, parking lots and whatnot. The more monochromatic yellow effectively pierces fog and SHARPENS an image burnt upon our retinal visual cortex. This is due to less "spectral resonance distortion" when various wavelengths of an electromagnetic band "blend" into an image. Hence better clarity and contrast always enhances visual perception.

  2. Yes, an important observation. Yellow lights are much less environmentally damaging, friendlier and more effective. The only people who do not know this are public lighting engineers.
